Welcome to our Janitorial Bidding Calculator

The goal of this calculator is to figure out : Number one our profit and Number 2 profit margin on janitorial accounts. The whole point of being in business is to make money and a healthy profit margin for the risk and hard work it takes.

  • Sqr FT
  • Wages
  • Specialty Cleaning
  • Labor
  • Supplies
  • Profit Margin

Sqr FT

General Cleaning Wages

Specialty Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

Stripping and Waxing

Tile & Grout

High Speed Buffing

Custom Specialty Cleaning #1

Custom Specialty Cleaning #2

Custom Specialty Cleaning #3

Total Specialty Cleaning


Cleaning rate per hour

Total Sqr Ft


Labor Total




Vacuum Bags


Other Supplies

Profit Margin

**For profit margin minus from 100 the desired amount. For a 60% margin minus 60 from 100 = 40 input.

Welcome to our Janitorial Bidding Calculator

Step 1 – Enter total square fee
Step 2 – Enter wage rate for each cleaner and labor burden of payroll taxes and insurance. This is a percentage mark up.
Step 3 – Enter square foot of the areas for specialty cleaning services,next the price per square foot you can use our job calculator to figure out sqr foot rates https://www.usjsg.com/janitorial-bidding-calculator. Last tab the number of times completed per year.
*Note this specialty cleaning section will be separate from the monthly cleaning price
Step 4 – Section 1 is enter your production rates for common areas, offices and fixtures per hour
Section Enter total square feet of common areas, offices and fixtures to be cleaned
Section 3 last tab enter the number of cleans per month
The green bar will add up the total hours, times by a number of cleans per month and wages total for a total labor cost.
Step 5 – Supplies and equipment, enter number of units and cost per unit for various supplies
Total is located at the bottom of page
Step 6 – Total profit calculations
Follow instructions and enter the desired profit margin, for a 60% profit enter 40 or 70% profit enter 30. This gives you the monthly cleaning price and total profit in absolute numbers.
Specialty Cleaning Price is located at the last tab